Thursday, November 6, 2008

So, I got up before the kids and did taebo on Tuesday and then I did pretty well on eating. The only thing is there was an awful lot of yawning going on and I didn't get a great workout in. So, Wednesday I was all excited to go for a run after dropping Javin off at school and came home to change and fell on a toy and sprained my ankle really badly I still went for a two mile walk on it and then to work that night but it was super swollen and today I'm going to be staying off of it. I will however try to get in pilates or something that doesn't require any standing so that i can workout tomorrow and go to work all day. Already today I have eaten a doughnut so there goes the diet but as long as I don't eat anything else too badly I should be ok. I even got veggies for the snack at our game tonight.

1 comment:

Alison Day said...

Man, that stinks! I hurt my ankle a week before our 5K run and just tried to (guiltlessly) take it easy. Soak it in Epsom salt as much as you can... I'm telling you, it makes a difference!